Let’s Talk About Inflammation
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Let’s Talk About Inflammation

When you're injured, the inflammation that occurs is actually a GOOD thing. Buuuuuut, sometimes this immune response occurs when it shouldn't.

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A Childhood Friend Died
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

A Childhood Friend Died

I just don’t get it. And, at the same time, I know everything is as it should be.

When someone dies there is an ebb and flow between my human side and my spiritual side.

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Medical Gaslighting
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Medical Gaslighting

Only recently did I hear the term “Medical Gaslighting”, but man have I experienced it over and over and over again for soooooo many years and with soooooo many doctors.

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5 Tips to Move Through Live with Ease
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

5 Tips to Move Through Live with Ease

Does everything feel like a struggle or a battle right now?

Does life feel hard?

Does it feel like bad shit just keeps happening to you?

I’ve been there.

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Foundational v. Functional
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Foundational v. Functional

Foundational Nutrition supports the body’s major systems for overall wellness. Functional Nutrition supports specific areas of the body for targeted health goals.

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The Toughest Part of Being a Parent
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

The Toughest Part of Being a Parent

I endured enough misery at my own hands for all of us. I hate that I passed this self-destructive behavior down to them. I wish I could get through to them. I wish I could make them see that it’s not that serious. That mistakes are part of the learning process and that it is, in fact, a lifelong process.

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How to Cure an “Energy Hangover”
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

How to Cure an “Energy Hangover”

If you don’t already know, an “energy hangover” is it’s something that those of us who are highly sensitive people (or Empaths) experience quite often.

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You’re Just Scared
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

You’re Just Scared

Thinking about doing something and actually doing something are 2 very different things. The former may prepare you, but it won’t ever produce results, the latter will.

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The Great Toe
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

The Great Toe

I was spiraling down a deep, dark hole. A hole I’ve been in 2x in my life. A hole I don’t ever want to be in again.

Here’s how I pulled myself out:

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I Was Being Selfish
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

I Was Being Selfish

My intention was all wrong. I wasn’t coming from a place of service; I was coming from a place of fear and ego.

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Effortless Results
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Effortless Results

Want effortless results? I mean, who doesn’t?

Here’s the thing though, that’s not how it works.

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Accountability Buddy
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Accountability Buddy

The problem with making excuses for 1 day of inactivity is that it can quickly become a habit. Then 1 missed day slips to 2 days, that slips to a week, which becomes a month and then who knows how long it’ll be before you get back on track.

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Listen to Your Gut
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Listen to Your Gut

Did you know it’s important to “listen to your gut” on both a spiritual and a physical level?

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Persist Until
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

Persist Until

When things get hard, or a problems arise, or they don’t reach their goal fast, people quit. Think about how many people make New Year’s Resolutions and quit by February.

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10 Tips to Improve Your Life
Michelle Cloutier Michelle Cloutier

10 Tips to Improve Your Life

Above all else, treat yourself with LOVE. Make decisions from a place of LOVE. Surround yourself with people you LOVE. Do the things you LOVE. Radiate and embody LOVE.

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