Hi! I’m Michelle

Welcome to Inside-Out Wisdom & Wellness!!

As a Reiki Master & Intuitive Empath, I’ve been helping people feel better physically and mentally for over 10 years.

I’m here to help you connect to your inner wisdom and natural healing power.

Whether you know it or not, inside of you are ALL the answers you seek—sometimes you just need a little help accessing them and that’s where I come in.

Your mind is incredibly powerful and you have the ability to heal yourself—sometimes your body just needs a little boost, again, that’s where I come in.

How do I know these things?

I have been through many physical and emotional challenges throughout my life.

In fact, it was a severe Postpartum Depression, after the birth of my second child in 2007, that led me to reconnect to my own inner knowledge and healing power. I’ve been studying the mind-body connection ever since, and helping others, like you, along the way.

In my efforts to heal my own body and mind, I’ve become a champion for Phototherapy Patches and Clean-Label Products.

So, if you’re ready to get answers by accessing your inner wisdom and your ready to tap into your own healing power, then I’m ready to help you!

My Journey:

In 2004, I was working as an in-house attorney for a large software company. I found myself isolated, wishing the day away and longing for something more.

I was totally unfulfilled and miserable. I felt empty.

After 5 years of this monotony, I started to have many physical and emotional ailments. Based on my symptoms, I was convinced that I needed gallbladder surgery. After an ultrasound, I found out that my gallbladder was fine and no surgery was needed. With this, I realized that I’d rather have surgery than continue to work as an attorney. I knew that I needed to make a change, so I finally took a leap of faith and left the financial safety of my job in search of something that would feed my soul.

In 2007, after the birth of my second child, I fell into a deep Postpartum Depression and was put on antidepressants. Through my despair and desire to feel better, I learned how much our thoughts affect our physical well-being. With this knowledge, I started taking yoga classes, diving into meditation, and learning how to feel better holistically. That’s when I started picking up on subtle shifts in energy and would often hear Celestial Music as though it were being played in my living room.

I was amazed by these angelic symphonies and that’s when I had an "AH-HA! Moment". One night as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a voice speak to me. It was very muffled, but very real. I knew I could no longer ignore the call from my soul.

Shortly thereafter, I was drawn to a Mediumship Circle and I started going once a week, as well as taking classes to strengthen my Intuitive/Psychic Abilities. And, in 2011, I became a Reiki Master.

I’ve been on this spiritual path ever since and I’m deeply fulfilled by being of service to others.