Intuitive Reiki Sessions

Your spiritual connection and mental health are vitally important to your physical health, happiness and the quality of your life. Your spiritual self and physical self are tethered together. Your spiritual and mental wellbeing impact your physical health, for better or for worse, so it is vitally important that you take care of both.

Mind, Body & Spirit

I connect to the energy of the Divine (Source, God, the Universe—whatever you call it) and I channel that energy to you.

While channeling this Divine energy, I receive information energetically from your body and from your Spirit Guides/Angels and Loved Ones in Spirit.

I deliver the messages I receive to help you align with your soul's purpose and to discover, acknowledge and/or heal whatever emotional blocks are keeping you "stuck" or holding you back.

These sessions can be done in-person or from a distance. Energy knows no bounds.

If you’re not familiar with Reiki, it is an ancient Japanese practice that promotes healing. Reiki has been proven to help with physical pain and emotional stress, to reduce inflammation and anxiety and to improve overall health and wellbeing. Reiki also promotes a spiritual connection to oneself and to the Universe. Reiki is a spiritual practice, not a religion, so there is nothing you need to do, or to believe, in order for Reiki to be beneficial to you.

Client Love

“My whole life I've been an over thinker, easily doubting myself and analyzing certain experiences away. For some reason, lately my desire to figure out myself and experiences has been stronger. During this time, I was given Michelle's name by an acquaintance. I took a chance and stepped out of my comfort zone to reach out to her. Michelle quickly responded and while speaking with her, I was immediately put at ease. It was so easy to talk to her, she answered so many questions that i had and the information relayed to me during our conversation together was amazing and accurate! Michelle's guidance and knowledge has given me the courage to embrace my experiences and not feel nervous or weird. It is exciting to find someone willing to share their gift and is so supportive of others starting on their spiritual journey. I am so happy I reached out to Michelle!"

— Beth

"Michelle, you are truly wonderful. I was delighted with you picked up on my energy even before we were on the call. Getting to see your working process was healing for me because I'm still a newbie with my intuitive gifts and I needed encouragement and clarity by someone who "gets" it. I loved how the session was structured around the chakras, but we had plenty of space to talk about what came up in the moment. It was a beautiful weaving of you holding space for me to unravel and see more clearly with you guiding us through the process. I left our session feeling light and excited. I felt empowered and like I had wind in my sails! Your perception of my energy, where I get blocked, and ways I could move forward were spot on and I've taken what we talked about into my day to day life experience. Because of our session I feel more confident about my intuitive gifts and I am exploring a whole new way that they may want to come through!”

- Blaire

"Michelle is a very brave psychic. I say that because I have known her since she was a little girl. It can be very challenging to read someone you know because you may question if your ego is getting in the way and if the messages you are receiving are because you know things about them. Michelle delivered messages that were non only relevant, but on point as well. She delivered the information she received free from judgment and ego and didn't change it to make it more palatable. Her messages were clear and concise. Her healing powers as a Reiki Practitioner are beyond description, but I will I was laying down resting waiting for the distance Reiki session to begin, I had a sense of peace. Within minutes I could feel my circulation moving through my body, clearing away pain, inflammation and fatigue. She is genuine and of the highest integrity. I look forward to my next session with Michelle!"

— Karen

"Michelle is such a kind and warm healer. She is very direct with her intention and her compassion shines through. I visited her when I hurt my lower back and she helped me tremendously shift through physical and emotional/spiritual energy that I needed to address in order to let go. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is looking for balance and wellness in their life."

- Angela

"Michelle is phenomenal! She read my cards for me a couple years ago and I knew she was the real deal. I was thrilled that she opened her own space and I just recently visited her for a Reiki session and to have my cards read again. The two sessions were so powerful and obviously connected that I left feeling grounded, calm, relaxed and at peace with my path."

— Brenda

" I have known Michelle for many years, and in our 20s we were roommates for a couple of years. Back then she chose to pursue a traditional career (as a lawyer). I am so happy she decided to explore and tune in to her special gift. Michelle is a beautiful soul and has an amazing way of bringing a calmness to even the most out of balance auras, like my own. A year ago I began the painful process of divorce. I had been feeling pretty defeated and my life was completely out of balance. Every session I've had with Michelle has left me with a sense of peace and stillness; never have I been so easily relaxed into a meditative state. For those of you looking to reconnect, both mind and body, I highly recommend Michelle's Reiki healing."

— Stacey