Let’s Talk About Inflammation

Inflammation is actually your immune system's response to a perceived injury or infection.

When you're injured, the inflammation that occurs is actually a GOOD thing. The area you injured will swell and become red. The swelling is the result of a slew of beneficial white blood cells flowing into the area to protect it, fight off infection and help you heal.

This same response occurs in other parts of your body when you encounter a virus or infection. It’s your body’s natural protection systems hard at work.

Buuuuuut, sometimes this immune response occurs when it shouldn't.

An unnecessary (and even harmful) inflammatory response can be triggered when you are exposed to toxins, under chronic stress, are obese and/or have an autoimmune disorder.

In these cases, instead of moving in, healing the problem, and then returning to normal, the inflammation PERSISTS.

This chronic state of inflammation can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer's Disease, and even cancer.

To combat this damaging chronic inflammation:

  • avoid foods, that can trigger chronic inflammation, like processed meats, dairy, refined carbohydrates (such as white bread and muffins), fried foods, and sugar.

  • eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, and olive oil.

  • exercise,

  • getting the right amount of sleep, and

  • keeping stress under control.

With love & light,



A Childhood Friend Died