A Childhood Friend Died

It’s been a week since my childhood friend, Sean, passed.

I see his obituary and his picture and I shake my head in disbelief with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

How can he be gone? He was only 50. It was so unexpected.

I’m still in awe. It’s so surreal.

We grew up together, just a few houses apart. He’s one of my brother’s closest friends. His sister is one of my closest friends.

Our families have been friends for like 47 years. FORTY-SEVEN YEARS. Our families are like family. And now one of us is gone.

How can this be??

He has a wife and 2 teens.

He touched soooooo many people’s lives, both in person and online.

He was a beloved youth football coach.

He was in Tower 2 on 9/11 and survived, plus he saved at least 1 women by carrying her down the stairs to safety.

I just don’t get it. And, at the same time, I know everything is as it should be.

When someone dies there is an ebb and flow between my human side and my spiritual side.


Cannot fathom the LOSS;

Wants to know WHY;

FEELS empty thinking about them being gone;

Is HEARTBROKEN for the family; and

Doesn’t understand HOW they’ll move on with their lives.


Knows that we are SOULS with bodies;

Knows that they are NOT gone (energy doesn’t die);

Knows that those in Spirit do NOT miss out on ANYTHING in our lives;

Knows that we can communicate with those in Spirit;

Knows that those in Spirit are guiding us and they provide us with signs;

Believes wholeheartedly in Soul Contracts and that we DON’T die before our time;

Believes wholeheartedly that there is a PURPOSE behind the timing of everyone’s physical death; and

KNOWS that we are all connected always.

I firmly believe that we incarnate in order to experience the duality of life in the physical world and this includes physically losing those we love.

On the other side, there’s nothing but pure love, so we need the physical world to be different.

We need to experience the sad, hard, difficult and infuriating things in order for us to grow and to learn. I believe THIS is the PURPOSE of life.

Once we’ve experienced enough of what life has to offer and we’ve learned ALL the lessons we signed-up to learn, THEN we ascend and there’s no need to incarnate again.

That said, while we’re HERE living in human bodies and on this physical plane, we have HUMAN emotions and that’s okay.

…Actually, it’s more than okay, it’s to be expected. It’s part of the growing process.

It’s important to honor our human side and our emotions. The “trick” is to move through our emotions.

Our loved ones in Spirit want us to continue to live. They want us to continue to experience the life—including things that bring us joy and happiness.

Sean’s unexpected death has left so many of us in complete shock.

I’m heartbroken for his wife, his kids, his parents and his siblings. I know that it will be difficult for them to go on without his physical presence, but I also know that he will be guiding them.  

I know that there is a much bigger picture that we don’t have the ability to see at this time.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t still have questions or that we don’t grieve. And, this doesn’t mean that it’s not a process b/c it absolutely is. We are, after all, HUMAN too.

The only way I’m able to deal with horrible events is to rely on what I’ve learned thus far about life and death and to have FAITH in all that our physical senses cannot detect.

With love & light,


P.S. The 2 books that have helped me make sense of life and death are:

  1. Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani, and

  2. Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss

I highly recommend both. Also, Anita Moorjani is on social media for you to follow, as well.


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