How to Protect Your Energy

It's important to protect your energy on a daily basis (especially if you're an Empath).

There are simple, common sense things that you can do, like: don't watch/listen to/read things that upset you and don't interact with people that drain you.

But, we all know, that's not always possible. Sometimes there's a meeting, gathering, or event that you're required to attend or that you want to go to and you just know “so and so”, who is so negative and toxic, is going to be there. So, if you're going to be around this person (or these people), what can you do to protect yourself?

Also, for those of us who are Empaths and quite sensitive to energy, just being in a large group or a crowded place can be draining.

Here are my Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Energy:

1. Imagine yourself covered, surrounded and protected by Divine White Light. See yourself completely enveloped by the White Light and imagine yourself feeling calm, peaceful and fully protected.

2. Imagine yourself inside a mirrored ball with the mirrors facing outward, so that when the negative/toxic energy comes at you, it's just reflected right back from where it came. You remain unaffected and protected in your ball.

3. Cover your Solar Plexus Chakra (located above your belly and just below your sternum) with your arms or hands and turn you body ever so slightly away from the negative person (or thing). For those that don't know, your Solar Plexus Chakra is the seat of your personal power and it's where you form emotional attachments. Shielding this Chakra helps to eliminate or reduce the attachment from forming to negative people (and things).

4. Keep your energy flowing just through you by crossing your feet/legs and, at the same time, connecting/crossing your hands/arms. This allows the energy to continuously flow through you, and you alone.

5. Say the following Indian mantra: Aad Guray Nameh, Jugaad Gurray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh. This is in the Gurmukhi language. It's said that this mantra of protection is recited to invoke the protective energy of the Universe. Chant this to yourself whenever you feel you need extra protection. (Note: My Reiki Master taught this to me many years ago and she told me it also extends your aura 9 feet in every direction to keep other's energy away from you.)

Protecting your energy helps to keep you in balance and unaffected, or at least less affected, by negative and/or toxic people. You won't feel drained or angry or irritable after being with them.

If you try any of these techniques, I'd love to hear from you. Shoot me an email and let me know how it went!


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