Have You Become Ordinary?

Last Wednesday, I went Live with Laura Bender in her Private FB Group for High Achieving Women. (Laura is an amazing woman, and a Relationship Coach, that I become friendly with on FB.)

If you know me at all, then you know that this is HUGE for me.

Up until a few years ago, I wouldn’t even answer a FaceTime call—well, not with my face on camera anyway.

My insecurities were too much for me to handle. I hated the way I looked on camera and I assumed others would see me the way I saw myself. And, I’m not even talking about strangers, I’m talking about my friends and family.

So, what changed?

I did.

I changed.

But, it didn’t happen overnight. I didn’t all of a sudden become a different person. It’s been a process.

1. I decided that my goals were bigger and more important than my fears.

(I did so with the help of Ryan Orrico—he’s a guy I follow on FB/Instagram and he started doing “random talking videos” and encouraged others to do the same. He’s a straight-shooter and I instantly connected to his messages. Definitely give him a follow. You can check him out here:);

2. I started to look at myself differently. When I would see myself on camera, I started to focus on the things that I liked about myself; and

3. I said “F it” and started doing Ryan’s “random talking videos” about the stuff that matters to me most:

  • The Postpartum Depression I went through after the birth of my 2nd child;

  • Dealing with, and overcoming, anxiety;

  • Being a Reiki Master and Psychic/Intuitive Empath;

  • Mediumship;

  • Soul Contracts;

  • Past Lives;

  • Health and Wellness; and

  • Being a mom.

4. I would record the video, post it, put my phone down and walk away.

Doing those videos for a few years set me up perfectly to start doing Reels and posting about the health and wellness products that I started using and now sell.

That, in turn, has given me the courage to start going Live.

Going Live is still something that makes me wicked nervous b/c you can’t just stop and rerecord, like you can with videos. With videos I can do take after take after take until I’m happy with what I’ve said and how I look. (Although, I will tell you that these days it’s not nearly as many takes as it was when I first started. In fact, more often than not it’s 2 takes max. At this point, rerecording videos just isn’t a productive use of my time.)

So, Laura and I had are both in this FB Over 40 Women’s Group and we connected right away.

She told me her story and I told her mine:

  • I told her how I started out as an attorney, but it was killing my soul;

  • I told her how I went through a horrible Postpartum Depression, but it was what reconnected me with my spiritual and psychic gifts and set me on the path to becoming a Reiki Master;

  • And, I told her how in the past 4 years I had shoulder surgery and hip surgery and how those injuries set me on the path to discovering Modere and the best collagen on the market.

She was so impressed with where I am now and how I got here that she wanted me to share it with the women in her private coaching group.

When I shared my story with her, I said it very matter of factly and she was the one that was like, WOW.

She was so impressed that it made me stop and think about all I’ve been through, all I’ve overcome, how I’ve persevered and how I show up everyday to help others and to go after my goals and dreams.

It’s funny how ordinary we can become to ourselves.

Have you become ordinary?

If you have, I’m willing to bet it’s just you that thinks that.

The truth is, we are all extraordinary in our own way. We all have a story to tell and by sharing our stories we can help and inspire others to overcome the struggles and challenges they face and to share their stories.

I’d love to hear your story.

xo Michelle

P.S. I created a Private FB Group: “Inspiration, Support & A Kick In The Ass”.

I am building a community of women supporting and encouraging women to gain confidence and get out of their comfort zones, so that they can live happier, more fulfilled and abundant lives.

In addition, I’ll be providing weekly tips and resources to help you:

  • Tune into your intuition;

  • Identify your gifts/talents;

  • Feel less anxious;

  • Deal with stress;

  • Boost your confidence;

  • Temper your insecurities;

  • Speak up for yourself;

  • Stop being a people pleaser; and

  • Make yourself a priority.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to be added to the group—whether you want support or you’d like to support others, you can join here:

Join “Inspiration, Support & A Kick in the Ass”

If you know a woman that would benefit from this community or that would like to support other women, feel free to forward this link to her.


Inspiration, Support & A Kick In The Ass


How to Protect Your Energy