Inspiration, Support & A Kick In The Ass

Would you believe it if I told you that I was wicked shy as a kid?

As my mother would tell you, I used to hide behind her leg and I would burst into tears if a stranger looked at me funny.

I now realize it’s b/c I’m an Empath and I’ve always been super sensitive to energy (and everything else, for that matter).

I mean, I was quite outspoken within my family, but outside of that, I was very shy. I was an observer and very insecure. If I didn’t think I’d be good at something, I wouldn’t even try it. And, if I thought I’d be good at something and I wasn’t, that was it, I was done.

For waaayyyyy too much of my life, I was afraid to fail and afraid of being judged.

I wouldn’t try new things and I hated going to new places. I hated anything where I’d be noticed.

Even in HS my friends would have to beg, plead and cajole me into going places.

Just a few years ago I wouldn’t even answer a FaceTime call. I hated looking at myself. I was self-conscious and oh so critical. No way I would’ve done the videos and Reels I now do daily and without hesitation.

And, forget about sharing the personal stories and details of my life, I was a closed book. Being vulnerable was not my thing.

Needless to say, it’s been a process for me.

If I said it’s been easy, I’d be lying. It’s not like I just flipped a switch and changed my entire personality and modus operandi.

But, I have been steadily pushing myself out of my comfort zone for the past 10 years. Little changes over time add up to really big changes.

I have come a long way. It’s funny b/c I don’t even recognize the person that I used to be, but at the same time I remember very clearly what it was like to be her.

I still have insecurities and there are still plenty of things that give me anxiety, but the difference is now I don’t let those feelings win.

Now, I push through those feelings and I do the things that I want to do b/c life is just too damn short not to.

I decided that I want more from life. I want to make an impact. I want to use my unique voice, gifts and talents to serve others. I made a commitment to myself to keep growing and challenging myself.

Some of these things I have done on my own, but more often than not I’ve had the support of some really amazing women.

And, now I want to help other women do the same, so I’ve created a Private FB Group: “Inspiration, Support & A Kick In The Ass”.

I am building a community of women supporting and encouraging women to gain confidence and get out of their comfort zones, so that they can live happier, more fulfilled and abundant lives.

In addition, I’ll be providing weekly tips and resources to help you:

  • Tune into your intuition;

  • Identify your gifts/talents;

  • Feel less anxious;

  • Deal with stress;

  • Boost your confidence;

  • Temper your insecurities;

  • Speak up for yourself;

  • Stop being a people pleaser; and

  • Make yourself a priority.

If this resonates with you and you’d like to be added to the group—whether you want support or you’d like to support others, you can join here:

Join “Inspiration, Support & A Kick in the Ass”

If you know a woman that would benefit from this community or that would like to support other women, feel free to forward this link to her.

xo Michelle


“Molting Michelle”: A Retin-A Story


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