How to Cure an “Energy Hangover”

If you don’t already know, an “energy hangover” is it’s something that those of us who are highly sensitive people (or Empaths) experience quite often.

It’s when you feel completely drained after being in a large crowd or at an event or with people that are emotionally draining—for me, it’s those with a victim mindset or people I have to make small talk with or those that I just don’t vibe with (a/k/a “energy vampires”).

Empaths are highly sensitive people and we literally absorb the energy of others. We don’t just feel for people, we feel with people. Because we’re so sensitive and caring, people are drawn to us and like to tell us their problems. It can be exhausting.

Here’s how to recover from an “Energy Hangover”:

  1. Ground Yourself.

    Sit against a tree, hug a tree or put your hands on a tree; get your bare feet in the grass or sand; or simply imagine tree roots coming up through the earth and wrapping around your legs grounding you to the earth. (Trees are amazing for grounding b/c they’re literally rooted in the earth.)

  2. Hydrate

    Using your energy can be dehydrating. (Be sure to drink plenty of water. Taking care of the physical body is just as important as the spiritual body.)

  3. Give Yourself Grace

    Recognize and understand that your energy has been drained. (Only doing what you have the energy to do.)

  4. Rest

    Allow yourself time to recover. (Take a nap. Chill on the couch. Get a massage. Go to acupuncture. Whatever you find restful.)

  5. Clean or Organize Your Space

    I’m not talking heavy-duty, deep cleaning. Just something like: cleaning off your counters, making your bed, straightening up a room that’s in disarray, put away the laundry that’s been sitting there for days, or pick up your clothes on the floor. (Your environment is a reflection of what’s going on inside you, likewise, your environment affects your energy.)

  6. Exercise

    Move your body to move the energy. (Just do whatever feels good to you. Go for a walk—preferably in nature. Do yoga. Ride your bike. Lift weights. Dance. Just move the energy through you.)

  7. Meditate

    Meditation is great for clearing energy, grounding and restoring peace. (Guided meditations are great for those of us that get easily distracted by our own thoughts.)

  8. Raise Your Vibration

    When you’re feeling drained your vibration is low. (Try watching lighthearted videos or remembering funny stories. Laughter is a great way to quickly raise your vibration.)

  9. Journal

    Write your feelings down. (By writing them down you help to move and release the negative energy.)

  10. Sage Yourself & Your Space

    Burning sage is a great way to clear your energy and that of your space. (Plus, there’s actually scientific evidence that it improves the air quality and has antimicrobial properties.)

If you’re a highly sensitive person and you feel drained after being in crowds or at events with a lot of people or just after being with certain people (“energy vampires”), I highly recommend doing some or all of the above to recover.

And, don’t let anyone tell you an “energy hangover” isn’t a thing b/c it absolutely is, it’s just that some of us are more sensitive than others.


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