You’re Just Scared

Yesterday I was talking with my friend, and teammate, and she was telling me about her idea to approach some salon owners that she knows about our products. 

So many salon customers could use our products (especially BioCell, our liquid collagen), it’s really a no brainer to offer this business opportunity to Salon Owners.

She was telling me how she’s been thinking about approaching them for a long time now. She’s thought through the scenarios, but hasn’t yet reached out b/c she wants to “get it right”.

So, she continues to just think about approaching them.

Here’s the thing, there really is no “right way”.

Everyone is different, and everyone will respond differently to her suggestion and the information she provides.

And, the only way to figure out what works is to do it.

She’s stuck in an “analysis paralysis” situation and the only way to get out of it is to take action.

I’ve been there. I’ve gone around and around in my head with an idea, but I’ve convinced myself that I need to perfect it before I begin.

The truth is, I was scared.

I was scared to fail. I was scared to put myself out there and get rejected. I was scared to look foolish. I was scared to look like a beginner. I was scared to be wrong. 

I was scared, I was scared, I was scared. And, she is too.

Fear’s a tricky thing b/c sometimes it shows up as perfectionism.

My advice to her is to acknowledge up front that:

  1. The first few conversations might be awkward;

  2. Her message might not be clear;

  3. Her information might not be complete; and

  4. She might get a lot of “no’s”.

So, be it. The more conversations she has, the better she’ll be at having them and anticipating concerns and questions.

You can imagine all the scenarios and conversations you want, but you actually have to have them to get better at it.

There’s no way around it.

Thinking about doing something and actually doing something are 2 very different things. The former may prepare you, but it won’t ever produce results, the latter will.

So, start imperfectly, but just start. 

Stop telling yourself you need to “get it right”.

You’re just scared. So, be scared and do it anyway.


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