Effortless Results

Want effortless results?

I mean, who doesn’t?

Here’s the thing though, that’s not how it works.

I ordered a swimsuit from Target. It arrived today. It’s super cute, so I was excited to try it on. It was in the Juniors section, so I knew to order 2 bottoms b/c, let’s face it, at 49 I don’t have the ass of a 20 yr old. I only ordered 1 top b/c I went by the bra measurements, so I figured I was safe.

Yeah, not so much.

I pulled out the top and the design was even cuter in person. But, it looked kinda small. Like, everything about it looked small. The cups, the strap, all of it.

I went to the bathroom to try it on anyway. Not good.

Oh. My. Tight. It barely fit around me and let’s not even talk about how my newly voluminous, peri-menopausal, boobs, spilled out of the sides of the triangle cups.

It wasn’t a pretty sight.

I stared at myself in the mirror kinda shocked at what I look like right now.

I’ve been taking my Trim (which is a fat-blocker, for those of you who aren’t Modere customers) and eating ok, so whhhhhhhhy (insert whiny tone here) do I look like THIS?

The answer is, b/c I haven’t been working out. I haven’t been putting in the effort to build muscle and tone up.

Trim can block all the fat it wants to, but it’s not a magic pill. I mean, I can only imagine what I’d look like if I weren’t taking it, but still it’s not going to produce the results I want without me actually taking the steps to get the results I want.

I was sick with Covid mid-May and I haven’t worked out since.

I just didn’t feel good enough to do so. It took me a couple of weeks just to get back to walking the dogs in the morning.

So, basically it’s been a month since I’ve worked out at all. And, not working out is not conducive to building muscle and slimming down—especially not for me at this time in my life.

On top of being 49 and peri-menopausal (which if you’ve survived this transition, God bless you b/c it’s no joke), I’m Italian and I come from a long line of overweight women.

Have you seen the quote, “Don’t complain about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do”?

Well, that’s where I’m at right now. I’m in no position to complain about how I look b/c I haven’t done the work.

Now that I’m finally feeling better and more energetic, it’s time to go to work.

The other thing though is that I need to give myself some grace. Which, for one of the first times in my life, when it comes to my weight and appearance, I’m actually doing.

In years past when I’ve been bigger and not as toned as I’d like to be, I wouldn’t wear shorts or tank tops or a 2 piece swimsuit. I’d keep whatever body part I wasn’t happy with covered up.

But, I’m not going to do that. It’s summer and I want a tan and I don’t want to be hot AF just b/c I don’t like the way a part of me looks.

I’m more than my weight. I’m more than my lack of muscle tone. My body is going through a huge transition right now and I’m going to love myself through it.

Effortless results really don’t exist. (If you can think of an example, I’d love to hear it b/c I really can’t.)

If you want results, you have to put in the effort, so that’s what I’m gonna do.

Next week summer begins (my kids get out of school), so I’ll be taking the next 3 months to work on ME. I’ll be making an effort to get in better shape, to grow my business and to do some personal development too.


I Was Being Selfish


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