Accountability Buddy

Do you have someone to help keep you in check?

Let’s face it, FIRST we have to be self-motivated, but sometimes we need a swift kick in the ass.

It’s so easy to get in our own way or make excuses.

The problem with making excuses for 1 day of inactivity is that it can quickly become a habit. Then 1 missed day slips to 2 days, that slips to a week, which becomes a month and then who knows how long it’ll be before you get back on track.

Then a year or more has passed and you, again, haven’t reached your goal.

That’s where an “Accountability Buddy” comes in handy.

We all have that friend that won’t put up with our BS excuses and let us quit on ourselves.

You know that friend that “tells it like it is”?

You know that friend that calls you on your “bullshit”?

You know that friend that cares about you achieving your goals more than hurting your feelings?

That’s who you want as your Accountability Buddy.

I’m lucky that I have several of them in my life. (Which actually isn’t luck at all b/c “like attracts like” and I’m “that friend”, so I attract “those friends”.)

I remember in my 20s my friend telling me to “step away from the mirrored area” and “get my ass in the car”.

We had plans to go out. But, I called her right before I was supposed to leave and told her I wasn’t going.

I was already dressed with my hair and makeup done ready to go, buuuuuuut I was also a hormonal, pms mess and I felt fat and gross, so I didn’t want to go. (I was actually super fit back then, but I couldn’t see it b/c I had impossible standards and needed outside validation like no other.)

I had pulled this crap before and my friend was on to me.

She knew I’d feel better if I got out and had some fun. So, instead of letting me off the hook, she told me to “step away from the mirrored area” and “get my ass in the car”.

I needed that.

I ended up going out and having a, much needed, great time.

If she didn’t call me on my bullshit, I woulda sat in my apartment and wallowed in my misery.

I also had a Mediumship/Psychic Mentor that was the same way.

I’d get super frustrated and upset with myself for not getting things exactly right or not getting enough information or for not trying b/c I was afraid to be wrong.

She did not let me get away with that.

She knew I was talented and she knew I wanted to be of service, so she pushed me.

I remember her telling me to “leave the pity party” and “get back to work.”

These days I have big goals for my online business.

I want to retire my husband by the time my kids graduate HS. Let me rephrase that, I am going to retire my husband by the time my kids graduate HS.

I have 4 years until they both graduate. That is plenty of time to earn and replace his income. I just have to put in the work—which isn’t hard btw, or time consuming. I only need a 1-3 hrs a day. I just need to be consistent.

We have a recommended DMO for each day and I was doing it, but not doing it and I’d even skip a day here and there. Soooooo, I have partnered with a teammate to keep me accountable. Not surprisingly, she’s a straight-shooter, like me.

We’ve been meeting every single day for an hour and getting our work done together.

We take time to check in with each other, talk out our frustrations, come up with strategies and then we STFU and get our individual work done.

Whether you have a common goal or your own goals, I highly recommend telling a friend that will hold you accountable.

Tell them what actions you’re going to take each day to reach your goal. Then message them each day after you’ve completed those tasks. Set an end-time too. If they don’t hear from you by that time, then they msg or call you and kick your ass.

P.S. I love holding people accountable, just ask my teenagers. So, if you need someone like me to keep you in check and help you reach your goal, I’m happy to do it. Just say the word.


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