Intention Is Everything…Or Is It?

Intention without action, won’t get you anywhere.

You can have the best intentions in the world, but if you’re not taking action too, then you’re just spinning your wheels.

You can say your affirmations and meditate, set your intention for the day (or the week or your life), but if there’s no corresponding action, nothing is going to happen.

No one is gonna come knocking on your door to give you what you say you want.

You have to go get it.

But, that doesn’t mean just do things willy-nilly.

Action without intention isn’t going to get you there either.

Getting into action will definitely make you feel better. Taking whatever first step you can, just to get going is good, but it’s only a start.

After all, in order to get to where you want to go, you have to first know where you’re going.

But, if you just keep doing random things or reacting to things, you’ll still just be spinning your wheels.

Taking action might keep you busy, but if you’re not intentional with your action, you’re not going to get to where you want to go.

“Don’t confuse being busy with being productive.”

The two are not the same. Being “busy” is exhausting and at the end of the day you’re like “what did I even do today?” You really didn’t accomplish anything. Being productive leaves you feeling like you’ve taken steps towards your goal.

Intentional action is everything.

  • First, set your goal. That’s your intention.

  • Second, determine what you need to do on a daily basis to achieve that goal. These are the actions you need to take.

  • Third, pay attention to your intuition and take action based on any “nudges” or “gut feelings” you have. I call this “inspired action”.

  • These 3 steps combined = intentional action.

  • If you are consistently acting with intention and focused on your goal (a/k/a your dream, as we discussed yesterday), you will be unstoppable.

The Universe will conspire to help you achieve your goal. It has to b/c that’s how the Universe works. It’s just a reflection of what’s going on inside of us.

The next step is to “persist ‘UNTIL’”.

What does that mean?

I’m gonna break it down in my next blog post.


Persist Until


10 Tips to Improve Your Life