Persist Until

In yesterday’s blog post I mentioned persisting “UNTIL”.

Which begs the question, “Until what?”

Until you reach your goal.

It’s that simple: Persist until you reach your goal.

So, why is it that sooooooo many people don’t reach their goals?

That’s simple too: It’s b/c they quit before they get there.

When things get hard, or a problems arise, or they don’t reach their goal fast, people quit.

Think about how many people make New Year’s Resolutions and quit by February.

If you’ve ever belonged to a gym, you’ve seen it. January at a gym is THE WORST. It’s crowded AF with new faces, but you know by February things will be back to normal and, once again, you’ll just see “the regulars”.

People expect results overnight. They expect to reach their goals as soon as they set them, but that’s just not how things work.

Results take time.

And, there is no such thing as an “overnight success”. We only see the success part and too many people think that it just happens.

It doesn’t help that we can get almost anything we want with the push of a button and have it delivered the same day.

People are in a rush more than ever before. You see it everywhere: driving, waiting in line, binging through series, etc, etc.

The people who succeed are the ones who are in it for the long- haul. They’re the ones that have big dreams and goals and they will not stop until they get there.

  • When things get hard, they persist.

  • When problems arise, they find a solution.

  • When things aren’t working, the adapt and change.

If you don’t persist through the tough times, problem-solve, adapt and change, you won’t see improvement or progress and that’s when people quit.

Not to mention, too many people would rather complain and tell you why they can’t do something, rather than work to find a way to make it happen.

Another top leader and mentor at Modere, that I love, is John Melton. He went from being a “punk loser” (his words) to a successful business-owner and multi-millionaire. He says, “You can make money or excuses, but you can’t do both.”

We are powerful beings. We can do anything we want to do.

First, we have to decide what we want.

Second, we need to set a goal.

Lastly, we need to PERSIST UNTIL we reach our goal.

(Then, we set need to set a new goal and begin again.)

P.S. If you’re intrigued by any of the leaders I’ve mentioned and would like to follow them (which I highly recommend b/c they’re real AF and totally inspiring), lmk and I’ll send you their social media info.

They’re super popular people, so there are a lot of fakes impersonating them and I’d hate to see you follow the wrong one.


Listen to Your Gut


Intention Is Everything…Or Is It?