10 Tips to Improve Your Life

1. Mindset Matters

If you want to improve your health, or your life in general, you have to start within yourself.  You have to get your mind "right" because your thoughts are energy, like everything else, and they literally create your reality.

2. Positive Self-Talk

Pay attention to your self-talk. Would you say the things you're saying to yourself to someone you love? Are you nicer to others than you are yourself?  Don't judge yourself, but just be honest.  And, if you're not being nice to yourself and speaking to yourself with love, I invite you to change that immediately.

3. Fill Your "Tank" First

Taking care of yourself isn't selfish, it's necessary.  You will have nothing to give to others if you don't give to yourself first.  

4. Let It Go

Let go of all that is no longer serving you. Specifically, let go of: old beliefs that no longer resonate, other people's expectations and opinions, grudges you're harboring and any lingering anger you have.  When we hold onto negative feelings and don't process them and allow them to move through us, they stay stuck in our energy field and eventually they manifest physically in the form of illness and dis-ease.

5. Raise Your Vibration

You've probably heard the expression, "Your vibe attracts your tribe."  Well, it attracts a lot more than that.  Your vibe, whether it's high or low, attracts more of the same.  We all get low sometimes, but the key is to not "unpack and stay there".  Process your feelings, move through them, and do something that you enjoy that will raise your vibration.  Watch a funny movie (laughter is a great way to raise your vibration), listen to music (not the depressing stuff), take a bath, put your feet in the sand and/or go for a walk/exercise, etc.  Do healthy, positive, things that lift you up.

6. Focus On What You Want

The Universe is a mirror and will reflect back to you what you're focusing on.  You know how you don't notice how many red cars there are on the road until you start looking for red cars, it's kinda like that.  If you focus on how "broke" you are the Universe will validate that for you with more things that make you feel "broke".  It can either be a vicious cycle or a miraculous cycle. YOU get to choose.  The Universe doesn't judge your thoughts, it only matches them.

7. Be Grateful

When you focus on what you're grateful for you put yourself in a position to receive more.  You raise your vibration and you're focused on what you want instead of what you don't want.  By shifting your focus to that of gratitude,  you shift to from a "lack mindset" to an "abundance mindset".  Like attracts like.  When you're grateful, you attract more to be grateful for.

8. Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Our thoughts are energy (as said above) and create our reality.  That reality is filled with what we focus on.  Well, most of our day is run by the subconscious mind.  Very few things we do on a daily basis involve the conscious mind.  So, if you want to change your life and improve your wellbeing, you'd better get your subconscious mind onboard.  It's a faithful servant and will believe what you tell it.  The problem is that it's been programmed since we were very young.  The key is to reprogram it with beliefs that will serve you.  A great way to do that is: by catching your subconscious reel and consciously changing it; by affirmations; and by hypnosis (probably the fastest way).

9. Treat Your Energy Like Currency

First of all, stay away from negative people who suck the energy out of you.  Second, treat your energy like currency.  You only have so much energy to spend per day. So, what is worth your energy and what isn't?  Say, "no" (without feeling guilty) to things that you don't want to do; that make you feel drained; and that don't further your goals, hopes, dreams and wellbeing.  You get to decide what you spend your energy on.  People may get upset or not like your decision, but as Dr. Wayne Dyer said, "what other people think of me is none of my business".  If you don't protect your energy, who will?

10. Love

Above all else, treat yourself with LOVE.  Make decisions from a place of LOVE.  Surround yourself with people you LOVE.  Do the things you LOVE.  Radiate and embody LOVE.


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