5 Tips to Move Through Live with Ease

Does everything feel like a struggle or a battle right now?

Does life feel hard?

Does it feel like bad shit just keeps happening to you?

I’ve been there.

When life feels like life is happening to you and everything is just hard af, it’s a sign that:

  1. You’re in denial or railing against what’s happening; and

  2. You’re not paying attention to your intuition.

So, how do you change it? You need to go WITHIN.

Our outside world REFLECTS our inside state of being.

Change your thoughts/mindset and you’ll change your life.

If this is a new concept to you, it might sound backwards, but think of it like this:

If you look in the mirror and don’t like the way your hair looks, are you going to try to change your reflection? No, right? That’s silly. You’re going to change your hair, not the reflection of your hair. So, if the outside world is a reflection of what’s going on INSIDE of YOU, then you need to go WITHIN and make changes.

Here are 5 insights and tips to help you move forward with ease:

  1. Surrender.
    The word “surrender” is often associated with “giving up”, but that’s not exactly how I’m using it here. Surrender to what is right now. If there’s a situation that you’re not happy with, stop fighting against it. Trying to act as though it’s not happening, or resisting what is, is causing you angst. You can’t change it by acting like it’s not happening and fighting against it. Accept the circumstances as they are; surrender. Once you accept it, THEN you can go about changing it.

  2. Pay Attention To Your Intuition.
    Have you been ignoring your intuition? The “gut feelings” or “nudges” to do something or not do something? When we ignore our intuition, we get off track and things feel haaaaard. It’s b/c we’re not going with the flow of our life’s plan. Now, you may be thinking, but I’m not intuitive. And, I’m here to tell you that you are. We are ALL intuitive. It’s our birthright. We all have an unbreakable connection to Source (or God, the Divine, the Universe, or whatever you call it) and we’re always being “nudged” in the right direction.

  3. Go Within/Meditate.
    When people aren’t listening to their intuition it’s b/c either (a) they’re ignoring it or (b) they don’t know how to connect to it. If you’re just ignoring it, there’s a simple fix: start listening and acting accordingly. Done. But, if you don’t know how to connect to it, then you need to go within. You need to quiet the outside world. Meditation is a great way of quieting the outside world and connecting to yourself. There’s no right or wrong way to meditate, you just need to find what works for you. You can listen to a guided meditation, or you can zone out while you do the dishes, or you can paint, or you can walk in nature with no headphones or other people, or you can do automatic writing, etc. You can do anything that gets rid of distractions and helps you to quiet your mind. This will allow your inner knowingness to come through. Your intuition may show up in the form of a “random” thought—like it just pops in your head. Or, it might be a “gut feeling”. Or, you might get chills. Or, you might just know that you need to do, or not do, something. The key is to pay attention, trust it and act accordingly.

  4. Change Your Perspective and The Story Your Telling Yourself
    If you’re looking at the situation as hard or impossible and you’re telling yourself “this sucks”, you have got to change that train of thought. Yeah, sometimes we’re faced with challenges. Sometimes they’re hard and sometimes they do suck, buuuuut if that’s your focus, then that’s all you’ll feel and things will just get harder and harder. You’ll keep reinforcing that belief and attracting more hard things your way. Instead, acknowledge that it’s a difficult situation. Surrender to what is. Go within. And, then focus on solutions and moving through the situation. Things don’t happen “to us”; they happen “for us”. There’s always a way and there’s always a lesson or blessing.

  5. Have An Attitude Of Gratitude.
    Often when we’re faced with a difficult situation or task, we completely forget about all the good in our lives. There’s always something to be grateful for, but we get blinded by “the bad”. It’s a vicious cycle of negativity. But, what if we could change that cycle? What if we got caught up in gratitude? Gratitude and negativity cannot coexist. In each moment, it’s one or the other. The best part is, YOU get to choose which one you’ll focus on.
    Louise Hay once used getting bills in the mail as an example. She said, “It is essential that we stop worrying about money and stop resenting our bills. Many people treat bills as punishments to be avoided if possible. A bill is an acknowledgment of our ability to pay. The creditor assumes you are affluent enough and gives you the service or the product first. I bless with love each and every bill that comes into my home. I bless with love and stamp a small kiss on each and every check I write. If you pay with resentment, money has a hard time coming back to you. If you pay with love and joy, you open the free-flowing channel of abundance.” This “attitude of gratitude” is true of everything in our lives. The more grateful we are, the more we’ll have to be grateful for.


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