Foundational v. Functional

In order to build something that’s going to last, you have to build it on a solid foundation. If the foundation isn’t strong, you’re only going to be able to build on it so much until it finally collapses.

This is true of physical structures, relationships and your physical health.

I recently heard of a man being unfaithful to his wife before they even got married and her finding out just weeks after the wedding.

You simply cannot start to build a life with someone upon the ultimate of betrayals. If they stay together, and they want a chance at a happy marriage filled with love, trust and respect, they have got to tear down their incredibly shaky foundation and build a solid one.

There’s simply no way to bandaid that shit up and move on. It will come crashing down sooner than later.

The same is true of your physical health. You can’t just treat symptoms and bandaid them up and think you’re going to be healthy overall. It just doesn’t work that way. Everything in the body is related (as well as the mind and spirit).

The biggest problem with our healthcare system in the U.S. is that no one is viewed as a whole person. Every body part, every organ, every system is viewed separately, but that is NOT how the body actually works.

Not to mention, our doctors are so focused on relieving symptoms with whatever course of action is easiest and readily available, that they pay no attention to the root cause of the problem, nor how you’re body is functioning overall.

Unfortunately, I know this all too well.

I haven’t felt well overall for the last several years.

I think being vegetarian for 8 yrs wreaked havoc on my body, like seriously messed me up hard, and I had 2 surgeries within 2 years of each other (shoulder and hip). Between the anesthesia, the cortisone injections and all the meds I had to take, it was just too much for my body to process and expel.

I had spent many years, and A LOT of money, trying to feel better and get my body healthy to no avail.

  • I’d been to 3 different Holistic Docs and purchased the supplements they recommended;

  • I tried Shakeology;

  • I tried Vital Proteins Powder;

  • I had food intolerance blood tests done;

  • I had a hair test done;

  • Based on those tests, I bought all the different supplements and vitamins recommended by the guy I know, and trust, at my favorite health food store; and

  • I even tried some supplements I saw advertised on TV.

None of it made me feel better at all.

It wasn’t until I started taking Liquid BioCell last year that I started to see and feel improvements.

Then when I added the gut health products, I really started to feel better.

But, the real turning point for me was a couple months after I started taking Optipack.

My energy has improved, my sleep and my mood. Not to mention, my blood work! There were things in my blood work that have been off for YEARS. (Not enough for my doc to care, but def enough for me to not feel well.)

It’s not surprising that now that I’m feeling better, my blood work has improved too.

I don’t know what vitamins you’re currently taking, but I do know this:

  • Optipack is FOUNDATIONAL nutrition;

  • It contains 30 Crucial Nutrients (backed by research);

  • It’s biologically integrated (so all of the nutrients work together);

  • It supports: heart, liver, brain, eye, skin, bone, gut and digestive health; aaaaaaaaand

  • it helps to manage stress.

Foundational Nutrition supports the body’s major systems for overall wellness.

Functional Nutrition supports specific areas of the body for targeted health goals.

There’s nothing wrong with Functional Nutrition, in fact, we need that too. But, if you’re adding Functional Nutrition to a system that isn’t healthy, that isn’t working well overall, it’s not going to help.

That was the part I’d been missing for years.

I was adding Functional Nutrition, but by foundation wasn’t solid, so it didn’t help. I just had very expensive pee.

I’m finally rebuilding a solid foundation.

I hope this information is helpful to you.

xo Michelle

P.S. Optipack is now a staple product of mine—and I don’t have a million different vitamin bottles all over my counter that need to be taken at different times and with and without food.

Here’s a short video about Optipack:


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