Wisdom + Wellness with Michelle J Cloutier

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The 4 Primary Psychic Gifts

There are 4 primary psychic gifts and they’re often referred to simply as "The Clairs".

They are: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance

Most likely you have 1 of the four gifts that is the strongest and your primary source of psychic information.  I believe we all have, or at least have the ability to access, all 4 of the gifts, it’s just that  some are stronger than others and they get “blended” when using them, so it can be difficult, at times, to decipher one from the other.

When you’re just beginning, I suggest you focus on practicing each Clair separately, so that you can not only strengthen each gift, but identify how you’re receiving your information.


To be Clairvoyant means that you are able to “clearly see” messages from spirit.  The images may be clear as day or they may be just out of focus—I describe mine as “a photo developing”.  You may see 1 image or you may see short “movie” in your mind’s eye.  You may not know what the image means, but trust that it has meaning.


To be Clairaudient means that you are able to “clearly hear” messages from spirit.  Most of us “hear” spirit in our own heads and in our own voices, but there are those that “hear” in spirit’s voice in their head and there are those that actually hear spirit as though they were physically present—those peeps are rare. You may hear a word or a phrase; you may hear song lyrics or a quote from a movie, TV show or a book.  What you hear may seem strange, but trust that it has meaning.


 To be Clairsentient means that you are able to “clearly feel” messages from spirit and those for whom you’re reading.  You’re able to pick up on the emotions and feelings of those both in spirit and in the physical world.  It’s like empathy on steroids!  You feel what others are feeling—sad, happy, angry, nostalgic, confused, certain, scared, energetic, in pain, etc.  Trust that what you’re feeling is relevant and has meaning.


 To be Claircognizant means that you “just know” something.  There is no explanation for how you know, you just know. This gift can be a bit tricky because there’s no “real” information you’re receiving.  You can’t describe a picture or a word or a feeling, you just KNOW. …You just know that something’s not right; you just know that someone’s sad, despite all evidence to the contrary; you just know what someone wants you to say, etc.  If you question or try to figure out HOW you know, you’ll just block the information, so don’t question what you know, just trust it.  Trust that you “just know”.