Carnosine is recognized as a dipeptide present in our brains, hearts, stomachs, kidneys, and eyes, and is recognized as an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals, protects the brain, and affects the immune system. Several independent studies show that LifeWave’s Y-Age Carnosine effectively increases parasympathetic nervous system activity, which can improve cognition, flexibility, balance, strength, and endurance.

Study A
A study done by scientists at the University of Texas at El Paso showed very significant or highly significant improvement in the physiologic functional status of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestine, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid.

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Study B
In a pilot human study, the carnosine patch significantly decreased the lactate threshold of individuals who regularly trained for endurance events. The lactate threshold (LT) determines how long one can exercise effectively without passing into fatigue. Fatigue onset is rapid above the LT, but efforts just below the LT can be sustained for hours by well-trained athletes.

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