Seven studies done between 2010 and 2015 confirm that the Aeon patches produce a relaxation effect within as little as 20 minutes after patch placement. The patches do this by positively affecting the autonomic nervous system and increasing dopamine production.

Study A
A study done by independent statistical consulting company JC Eickhoff detected significant changes in glutamate amino acid and LDOPA levels. Glutamate and LDOPA are both neurotransmitters that help to keep your brain functioning properly. Glutamate especially plays a major role in shaping learning and memory. Glutamate needs to be present at the right concentrations in the right places at the right time.

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Study B
A study done at the University of Texas at El Paso showed that the Aeon (previously X-15) patches improved cellular physiologic functional status of the liver, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland.

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