Wisdom + Wellness with Michelle J Cloutier

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My Anxiety Survival Tips

Anxiety sucks. And, panic attacks are the worst.

I've dealt with low-key anxiety my whole life--with bouts of insomnia sprinkled in over the years.

Besides my life-long "typical" anxiety, I've also dealt with two major anxiety ridden episodes at two very different times in my life. 

The first episode was 13 years ago after the birth of my second child. I was a postpartum puddle on the floor and an anxious--almost non-functioning mess. 

The other episode was in the Fall of 2020.  I felt exactly as I did when I was a postpartum mess 13 years ago.  I believe both episodes were triggered by hormones (the first time being pretty obvious and the second time, not so much b/c I was 47 and my kids are now teenagers). 

With both episodes, despite my efforts to reduce my anxiety on my own and avoid medication, it was absolutely necessary and I'm glad I got the help I needed.  

So let me be clear, if you feel that you need help, get it.  

*I'm not any sort of medical professional and these tips are NOT intended to substitute proper medical care/ assistance/ diagnoses.

These tips are how I, personally, deal with my everyday, low-key anxiety and I'm simply sharing what I do when I'm feeling anxious.

When my anxiety flares, for all sorts of reasons—my husband traveling, the moon and planets, situations involving my kids, health concerns, etc—here’s what I do to survive it:

1. I acknowledge my anxiety and I reach out to friends and family to talk about it, so that they can "talk me down". (If I try to resist feeling it, it just gets worse.)

2. I take several slow, deep, intentional breaths. (I’ll often catch myself holding my breath. Breathing is important.)

3. I go for a walk with the dogs, either around the neighborhood or on a trail, and really focus on my feet touching the pavement/earth to ground me.

4. I touch/hug a tree (literally) and I imagine my anxiety being absorbed by the tree, traveling down its trunk and being dispersed into the vast earth.

5. I do Self-Reiki and reach out to friends who are also Reiki Practitioners to send me distance Reiki. (You don't have to be a Reiki Practitioner, just imagine yourself connected to God/the Divine/Source/The Universe--whatever you call it, and imagine beautiful, healing, calming white light surrounding you and filling you up.)

6. I Watch lighthearted, mindless tv. (Nothing heavy or creepy or disturbing.)

7. I have a glass of calming, herbal tea.

8. I use CBD oil or essential oils.

9. I use EFT Tapping throughout the day and especially before bed. (It's super easy to learn and very effective--look up EFT Tapping by Nick Ortner.)

10. I'm sure to drink plenty of water and hydrate b/c anxiety uses up lots of energy.

I hope my tips help you better deal with your anxiety.  But, again, if you're struggling on your own, please seek medical attention.  There's no shame in asking for, and getting, help. I've been there.